Monday, October 25, 2010

A second...

TOOTHY has arrived, my friends.
Yes. It is so.
Right next to that cute first little toothy on the bottom.

What a cutie!
I have such a cutie!
Love her, love her, love her!

Hmm, lets see.
What to write about?
Well....the range of foods is starting to broaden a bit. I tried pasta the other night, pasta with "garden" veggies (Organic by Earths Best)...and her face really said it all. Can you imagine the look of absolute disgust? Well, yes. That's exactly what it was...Until of course, i mixed in her FAVORITE masker.

Sweet Potatoes.

She loves them.
I love that she'll eat anything as long as there's SP's.
She likes all fruits.
Does that mean she's fruity? I suppose. But in the cutest way possible.

She loves yogurt, and MAN can that girl eat.
I mean, really. I had to stop her from eating tonights dinner because i really thought she would explode. I made the executive decision to "stop." Maybe that's wrong. Maybe i could've let her blimp out? She probably would still be eating now, if i kept feeding her. But baby's eat, and that sure does make me happy. And even after she's eaten a full belly's worth of yummy-nummy solids, she'll always drink milk from mom.

In other news:
I've finally made some sweet friends at the new "Christian gathering" we've been attending. I say Christian gathering because more oft than not, "Church" is just associated with a building. And that makes both Mike and I sad. So....when someone asks me where i'm going on a Sunday, i either say, "To praise the Lord Jesus Christ!" or, "to our Christians gathering spot." It makes it SO much more personal. Intimate. Close.

Me and some of the ladies got together today for some delicious apple cider and lunch with our children. I love the like mindedness there is. Many other women with young kiddos, babies, and soon to be born babies. It's refreshing to have a group of women to get to know and share with. It's SO refreshing, because after a year of isolation due to the lack of good fellowship and sound doctrine, it wears you thin.

God is surely Kind; for my baby, for friends, for life.

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