Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Baby days...

Will soon be turning into toddler days, and that is very bittersweet. Our little "gigi" as we call her, is 9 months old today. Sometimes i get ahead of myself, when she's close to being the next months age, and when someone asks me how old she is, i round-up.

I'm done doing that.

It's passing by far too quickly for my liking. I thought she would remain tiny and sweet forever, and I am quickly being shown otherwise.


It has been an amazing journey, these last 9 months of motherhood. I've been tested and worn thin in several areas, and this, by the grace of God, is shaping my life. I'm being refined and it is so good. I'm starting to look like Jesus in a few areas, i think....but have LOTS of work in many other areas.

Motherhood is by far the most fulfilling of all jobs, and i cherish these sweet young days with my tiny girl.

Please dear Lord, give me more babies, if it be your will, by the time Lilyan is 1 year and 9 months old so that she'll have siblings no later than 2.5 years.



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