Saturday, October 30, 2010

Cheesey...cheese heads...cheese balls....cheesin'

My husband and I have decided that we'd like to start a "club" for cheese tasting. As we sip our merlot, whilst nibbling the creamy and light notes of Havarti, we realized that, while tasteful, these two undoubtedly do not pair well. This mild Bella Sera Merlot needs a cheese with a bold flavor, something like the delicious "Comet" cheese we sampled with "sunflower honey" this afternoon on our Wegmans date, while this smooth, velvet Havarti needs something a bit sweeter, something like Barefoot's rose wine.

For those who are not yet turned onto Wegmans (or may it be just an east coast thing) it is a fabulous market, similar to Whole Foods. Double level, restaurant area, lounge area and many naturally inclined isles full of eye candy. I LOVE this grocery store. And while a fabulous "grocery" store with natural items usually remain highly overpriced, it boasts an abundance of inexpense.

I told my husband today that if I ever need to get away, this is where I'll come.

So, now we share wine, and he serenades me with soft melodies on the guitar. Truly a thing to behold. Love this man.
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