Thursday, October 21, 2010

I asked my Husband....

what i was going to write about, and he told me to write about how much i love him. Hehehe. Silly guy!

I finally figured out how to get our little Lily drinking water. I tried water from the sipee cup. No. I tried water from a real cup. No. I tried water from a bottle. No. I tried water with "Gripe water" added to it. No.

I was trying to avoid juice.

I thought...why not give fruit juice (100% only) a try. It's alright if i give in very tiny amounts, and hey, it might help, since after all, we nurse a lot less these days.

Alright, Juice. Let's do this.

about 1oz of 100% apple juice added to 2 oz of water, making her juicy water mixture very un-apple tasting....but, she likes it. She drinks it from her bottle, and I am a very please mommy, whose now certain that her mini will be getting sufficient water intake, and be fully hydrated. I only make this once a day, and she sips off of it. Still learning, but for now.....we've reached an accomplishment.

And Lilyan has gotten her first tooth.
I noticed it (very sharply, as it cut  my finger a bit) on the day i arrived in Oregon. It's probably about 1/4 of the way in, and is absolutely adorable......and also confirming how quickly she's growing up....

My baby's not gonna be a baby much longer....

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