Saturday, October 23, 2010

Almost 9

months old, is my little Lily girl. I can't even believe it. Two days ago, she started crawling. Yeah. I just posted about her messy crawl, well it's getting better....she took like 6 steps in a crawl line today! Ay! Anyway...we had a FABULOUS time in Oregon, visiting family, so i wanted to post some fun pictures!!

Cutest almost pumpkin sized baby

She's officially indulging in tub-time now...

Can't beat mom and baby snuggle time. My advice? Always wear a necklace they can tug on... It always calls for supreme closeness.

Lily and her uncle Glenn. Debbie, Glenn's wife smiling in the back.

Her favorite; cheerios.

Because of this, I plan on getting her a doll of her own.

Making friends with the dolly.

Proud Grammi

Testing out uncle Glenns' face

Silly goofies!

Mama and her baby

First toothy! It took FOREVER to get this picture, and then finally, after many failed attempts...i got this on accident!

Loving her bath time toys.

I just love this....The little pouf of hair...

Special visiting time with her Great Grammi!

The "generations" picture. A very special family photo, worthy of a frame!

What a goofball!

Great Auntie, sharing timeless snuggles with my sweet-french Lilyan.

Keeping Lily warm in the cool, crispt Oregon air.

Mum, harvesting her garden for homegrown, Organic potatoes.
Gorgeous family out to lunch!

Those beautiful Organic homegrown potatoes i was talking about.... DELISH!

Home grown onions.

Mum and me being silly behind those organic beauties...

Me, having a sad conversation on the freshly picked Gorde.

Tate, thoroughly enjoying his daily, morning ritual. Lovely wood burning stove.

Though i don't agree with the Hindu god sitting with the homegrown pumpkins, i enthusiastically agree with the beautiful foggy sight yonder deck!

Mums harvested and dried/dehydrated goodies. Dried flower petals, lavender, teas, herbs, veggies...will all be used for creating salves and balms. What an earthy home!

Harvested Elderberries, ready for fresh tea on the stove!

Me, being silly.

Mum, being silly.

Having fun in the garden...

Blowing razzies...

I love my beautiful family.

1 comment:

  1. I think I'm in love with your family.
    Ok. I know I am.
    I want to spend a week with you and your mom. I want her to teach me everything she does in regards to gardening. Let's plan it, k? Even if it's 10 years away. Maybe one day, we could drive to see her if you guys ever move back.

    Looks like you had a fabulous trip.
    I bet uncle glennie and aunty debbie loved your little chunk of love.
    Oh? And speaking of her. I love her. I want to give her 100 kisses.
    I miss you sweet organic beautiful friend. Let's chat soon. I want to actually hear your voice and hear you speak of the beautiful time you had.

    Gosh. Oregon is lovely, isn't it?

    Love you.


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