Friday, October 1, 2010


It would be spectacular if i could keep up a bit more regularly on this here blog, friends- kind of like you guys do. I am always so inspired by your great writes, and then i think about how i want to write! So, alas! Here i write.

Lately i've been up and coming in my CREATIVITY again, which, if you know anything about me- has been a back bone in who i am since childhood. If i don't have SOME sort of creative outlet, i feel drab and blah. You get a picture of what drab and blah is, so i don't even have to explain. newest creative streak has left me unaccompanied by distractions at my sewing machine. It is great! Though my workspace is more often than not, messy and unorganized, i'm still able to do what i thrive doing, which is create. This is what i've been creating lately.

The first "sample" pouch was for myself. It is now falling apart out of the "sample-dom" of it, and i've since made some inviting corrections that leave a much sturdier frame! It has an "L" (obviously for you-know-who) on the back, which was my thought at either,
A. Being an initial to the owner, or
B. Being my signature

This is pouch number 2, which i made for my sister in law, and boasts new edging, and more "real" fabric on the back, so that like mine (the first one) the felt doesn't pill.

And this is the latest pouch, which I've made for my mommy as a surprise whence baby and I go to visit her in the coming weeks. This one has jean fabric on the back, and an all together different design; a more "solid/simple" approach.

My hope is to continue creating little treasures that can accommodate peoples needs, by perfecting my designs. I would like to possibly sell them, but we'll not get ahead of ourselves here.

this is what I've been doing with some of my spare time....when it is that i am motivated, which isn't on a daily basis, unfortunate as it is. Oh well. Who am i kidding anyways? I'm not perfect, because a perfect woman spends her time buying vineyards and staying awake in the night to prepare her families meals, and being proverbs 31- which is definitely my goal. But for now....something i am working towards!

Good tidings!

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