Monday, October 11, 2010

My Trip

To Oregon starts tomorrow!
Me and the wee one shall adventure our way through two airports to arrive at the final destination of Oregon, tomorrow morning. We start with a jolly awakening at 3am. YES...3am...To get ourselves ready and out the door no later than 4:15am, so that we may trek (hopefully joyfully) on an hour ride to Baltimore, MD, where we will depart at 7:33am. My gracious husband is awakening with the baby and I, and driving us to the airport, even though he has work later on in the morning. What a godly and caring man.

We've never been away from one another for longer than 3 days...let alone with his sweet and only child...but this is a unique opportunity, that we couldn't pass up. My brother and his sweet wife have come in from New Zealand for an American wedding, which leads them to Oregon to visit our mom. It just so happened that Mike had been putting away funds for me to go and see my mum at some point, thought the funds had not yet reached abundance. My aunt, whose home we are traveling to, wanted to chip in, as well as my Grammi and my brother- to allow us to reach maximum fundage! God is KIND!! So, what i have is a huge blessing from Christ by way of my family, for the rest of my family to meet the baby. Glenn, my brother is a first time uncle with my little one, and so for him to meet his niece for the first time, outside of NZ, while she's less than a year old- well....that's special. it's also quite special that during this trip, my daughter will have the sweet opportunity to meet her great Grammi, my Grammi, as well as her many great Aunties. Truly, a unique opportunity. And though, while my heart wrestles with the anxiety of travel with the baby, my heart is also CERTAIN, that Christ is in control of ALL things, including each passenger that gets the (blessing and joy) of hearing my child on the plane. :)

Please pray for-
SAFE travels
Me to have a HAPPY HEART, and
full TRUST in JESUS.

On another sweet note,
here's some recent pictures of Lilyan.


  1. I will be praying! She is continually lovely, Lu! I cannot say that she is becoming more beautiful, because she was such an absolute precocious little doll to start! Safe & happy travels friend!


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