Monday, October 18, 2010

Last day...

In beautiful Oregon with my beloved family. Oh has it been just so refreshing, and fun, and nostalgic.... and though i am ready for the company of my sweet husband (this is the longest time apart- 7 days) i am going to miss the quiet, peaceful, warm- fire burning in a wood stove, tea making, earthy-mama, natural, organic family home. I love this family. They are so earthy and wonderful. The baby has been a blessing to all who've been here, and i am thrilled that she got the experience of seeing new faces, and loving them....meeting her New Zealand auntie and uncles for the first time, her great grammi and her very loving grammi....It has been truly truly truly great.

And tomorrow, we're off! Travels with tiny girl in the skies.... Dependant upon Christ in full, because when you're in the a piece of metal jet....your dependence upon Christ seems so much bigger! Pray for safe travels, and that we make it safely home to give Dada many kisses!

1 comment:

  1. Praying Lu! Glad to hear the trip was fabulous. Earthy sounds lovely.


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