Monday, December 7, 2009


You know...the holidays are a sweet time, and I'm sure you can vouch. The tree was recently put up and decorated, and wreaths and shining lights were hung, but i didn't "feel" christmasy. Now, i think it's setting in a bit....It snowed the other day, and as it snowed, the world was blanketed in pure white blissful powder. It was SO lovely!! Then the next day it turned to ice, and i had to hold my husbands hand down the front steps so i wouldn't was peacful and rich, and heart warming. For a believer,'s not about the "feeling," is it? No, it's about Christ and remembering Him. It's about how He entered this world, as a babe, and as the Lord. It's about His life...His sacrifice, His grace...and each Christmas I have now, means something completely different than it did when i was a kid, when it was only about the gifts.
It's been a great time out here, as my hubby and I have had many conversations over recently...The reason it's great? Because God is gracious to provide.

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