Friday, December 25, 2009

Growing baby....waiting mommy and daddy!

Loving the sweet growth of our Lilyan... I will be 34 weeks on tuesday, which is NOT far from our due date!

This was at 8 weeks:

Here's 33.5 weeks :)

And this is what happens when you're this size...

Your husband gets to serve you by tying your shoes for you!

Though she has less amniotic fluid, and is of a greater size in my womb these days, making her sweet rolls quite uncomfortable....She's the best reward a mommy could look forward to!


  1. Ahhh sweet friend. how I love looking at pictures of you on here! Keep em comin girl! You are a radiant pregnant woman, and glow with all the glee I'm positive pregnancy brings. I love you precious friend. I am going to pray that we can see each other in the "soon" near future.


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