Sunday, December 27, 2009

Bakers Delight!

Today I decided to experiment with some puff pastry dough. You know, that yummy, pre-made flaky dough that you find in the frozen section at your local grocer- yes! I decided i'd make some mini marshmellow and semi-sweet chocolate chip flaky, golden puffs. And so i did. And though the marshmellow sorta seeped out during the actual baking process, it still left a yummy satiny, chocolate crisp. :-) Enjoy this time with me.

Fisrt: I gathered my items, and layed my dough to thaw on a floured surface for 40 minutes or until pliable.

And then i started to cut the dough to the size i wanted them.

Next, i took my egg wash (1 beaten egg with a bit of water) and coated the sides of each mini pastry sheet to ensure a good seal during baking, along with adding my little dose of yummy flavors.

After each coating, i took my forky fork and crimped the sides (which ended up rather un crimped at the end, but it was fun, and sealed my dough well)

Doing about three at a time, i got done faster...and had 12 in total, which all needed an extra coating of the egg wash on top to give me that lovely golden glow.

Then i baked them for 15 minutes at 400 degrees.

And ended up with a cookie sheet full of delicious, bite sized goodies.

Which made this little plate look absolutely fabulous!

And OF COURSE, had to taste them for myself, as well as share with my husband who'd been working hard taping the ceiling for the future kitchen painting...

And so we tasted...

And enjoyed....

And then i continued my personal study of APERTURE and SHUTTER SPEED.

It's been a great day.

And delightful to share with you.

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