Sunday, November 22, 2009

Prayer requests

Hey friends,

Another day with more grace, what a thought.
So I am increasingly feeling more and more pregnant, which would become the obvious, since afterall, i'm nearing the end of my pregnancy with a slim 2.5 months or so to go. Lily is getting bigger, and I feel all of her triumphant movements! This morning as i was laying on my left side, and looking on at the baby bump, she awarded my intent stares and admiring touches with rolls of her body underneath my skin. It's the strangest feeling, but i LOVE feeling it! You can literally witness my belly being pushed up and out and poked at, and when you rest your hand on my side, you can feel her twisting around. Somestimes i wonder if i'm squishing her, but i'm sure she's fine. :-) A little loving squish can't hurt a sweet little Lily-bug like ours.

The newest truth to behold is out; now that I've been blessed with state health insurance for this pregnancy, i'm able to receive great preventative prenatal care. I went in the other day for a checkup with the Nurse Practitioner to asses my family history and they informed me that i needed to take my glucose screening test. So, the next day Mike took me in to get my blood drawn after fasting, and drinking an intensely sweetened drink. The results were in 2 days later and it turns out that i'm a candidate for Gestational Diabetes. The protocol now is that i must undergo a longer glucose screening test, with having fasted for 8-14 hours before hand, while they draw blood from my arms 4 times in the course of 3 hours. If two tests come back abnormal, then they will diagnose me with gestational diabetes, which we are praying fervently about. Most pregnant women who aquire this during their pregnancies end up not having it anymore after they give birth, however your chances of having it again in other pregnancies increases. on the short: it's basically like you are a diabetic while you are pregnant and have to take certain precautions like changing your diet, exercise routine, and keep an eye on your blood sugar level. If you do not take care, it will affect your baby in transferring the increased amount of sugars (as more energy) to your baby even though she doesn't need that extra energy. This would in turn, make her gain excess weight and could put her at risk for type 2 diabetes later in her life and other health risks. This is yet ANOTHER clear example of how utterly dependent upon Jesus Christ we are, so through it, we're thankful. I've been taking a 35 minute aftyernoon walk for the past few days now, and will continue to do this daily, as well as drink pleanty of water and avoid sugary foods. This will hopefully bring my glucose levels down and at the next test they'll kindly tell me that i indeed do not have G.D. :-)

You can be praying for us.

Another prayer request is for my hardworking husband. He's been working very hard at a restaurant now for the past two weeks, and he's never been a server before, so it's new to him. Because Christ dwells within him, though, and hes kind to extend himself to other servers he works with, it's more likey that they'll take advantage of his kindness and load him up with their tasks, which is what he's seen. He asked me to pray about it, and I am, but i'm also asking you to pray about it, because in the event that they do continue to take advantage, Mike desires to display a Christ like attitude toward his co-workers with a joyful heart.

I am so thankful for my godly husband, in whose heart i deeply trust.

Love you all!

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