Sunday, December 27, 2009

Bakers Delight!

Today I decided to experiment with some puff pastry dough. You know, that yummy, pre-made flaky dough that you find in the frozen section at your local grocer- yes! I decided i'd make some mini marshmellow and semi-sweet chocolate chip flaky, golden puffs. And so i did. And though the marshmellow sorta seeped out during the actual baking process, it still left a yummy satiny, chocolate crisp. :-) Enjoy this time with me.

Fisrt: I gathered my items, and layed my dough to thaw on a floured surface for 40 minutes or until pliable.

And then i started to cut the dough to the size i wanted them.

Next, i took my egg wash (1 beaten egg with a bit of water) and coated the sides of each mini pastry sheet to ensure a good seal during baking, along with adding my little dose of yummy flavors.

After each coating, i took my forky fork and crimped the sides (which ended up rather un crimped at the end, but it was fun, and sealed my dough well)

Doing about three at a time, i got done faster...and had 12 in total, which all needed an extra coating of the egg wash on top to give me that lovely golden glow.

Then i baked them for 15 minutes at 400 degrees.

And ended up with a cookie sheet full of delicious, bite sized goodies.

Which made this little plate look absolutely fabulous!

And OF COURSE, had to taste them for myself, as well as share with my husband who'd been working hard taping the ceiling for the future kitchen painting...

And so we tasted...

And enjoyed....

And then i continued my personal study of APERTURE and SHUTTER SPEED.

It's been a great day.

And delightful to share with you.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Growing baby....waiting mommy and daddy!

Loving the sweet growth of our Lilyan... I will be 34 weeks on tuesday, which is NOT far from our due date!

This was at 8 weeks:

Here's 33.5 weeks :)

And this is what happens when you're this size...

Your husband gets to serve you by tying your shoes for you!

Though she has less amniotic fluid, and is of a greater size in my womb these days, making her sweet rolls quite uncomfortable....She's the best reward a mommy could look forward to!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Bellies a growin'

'Tis the season for talk about baby bellies. While my friend Tasha is in labor in the hospital pushin' like a champion, i'm sure...My baby belly happily grows with a little tiny gift of a little girl inside, whose got the hiccups :) Here's my "Christmas Belly" pictures for your enjoyment!

Merry soon-to-be Christmas, friends!

Love, Luana

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

This is...

The one i miss!!

Oh friend.

i love the way your sunglesses sit a little lop-sided on your sweet and lovely face.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Changes are good...even when it's the color of your hair...sometimes.

Soo...i recently had blonde hair, thinking it would "lighten up my face" in the cold, rigid months of fall and winter. However, what I came to realize was that blonde MUST have been a stage in earlier years that was acceptable ( i met my husband when i was blonde), and now is less than agreeable. So, i decided to go back to my very plain, yet lovely light brown hair with natural red undertones. The thing is...i'm also pregnant, (32 weeks today actually!)...which means that there are special hormones floating around my body that change things quite a bit. And technically you're not "recommedned" to dye your hair while pregnant, except that if you're in a well ventilated area (which i was), so why not feel beautiful during my pregnancy? Anyway. The first batch of color was a selected "light ash brown." Wwll, bolg followers...That left a lovely gray hue that made me feel anciently old annnnd pregnant. Old lady? I'm not ready yet! Then i decided to go with a warmer tone to balance out the ash, which works fine, that's the act of neutralizing...and this, my friends is what i've been left with; a very sensible, natural tone. I'm quite contented with the results, and feel so much more "at home" in a brown hue.
Well friends, let the lesson be learned. Don't change the color of your hair unless you're absolutely sure an have allowed optimal time, say at least 1 year, to really consider that change!!


Monday, December 7, 2009


You know...the holidays are a sweet time, and I'm sure you can vouch. The tree was recently put up and decorated, and wreaths and shining lights were hung, but i didn't "feel" christmasy. Now, i think it's setting in a bit....It snowed the other day, and as it snowed, the world was blanketed in pure white blissful powder. It was SO lovely!! Then the next day it turned to ice, and i had to hold my husbands hand down the front steps so i wouldn't was peacful and rich, and heart warming. For a believer,'s not about the "feeling," is it? No, it's about Christ and remembering Him. It's about how He entered this world, as a babe, and as the Lord. It's about His life...His sacrifice, His grace...and each Christmas I have now, means something completely different than it did when i was a kid, when it was only about the gifts.
It's been a great time out here, as my hubby and I have had many conversations over recently...The reason it's great? Because God is gracious to provide.