Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Baby Days

So, it has been a really long time, I've noticed, since I've written. It's time for a new post! I wanted to share, in a shorter post about our recent news. We are pregnant again! I had an ultra sound yesterday to which they've given us a due date of June 6, 2012. Our little nugget is still tiny and I am only 7 weeks as of tomorrow, but I've known now for some time. In fact I think i must have found out at like two weeks, I just knew my body. So alas, the baby days are upon us again. I feel fine for the most part, but have been feeling nausea just about everyday. Same old same old- had it with Lily, have it again. We are thrilled to be a growing family and the the Lord has blesses us again. Lily will be such a sweet and loving big sister- wow- BIG SISTER!? Amazing how things change. Pray for a safe pregnancy!

With Love,
The Johnsons

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