Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ta Da!!! Finito. Sort of.

Remember in my last post where i talked about my funky desk; my little ugly duckling? Well, it's done. Aesthetically anyways. I still have to Mod Podge the innards. I have an aqua and gold french Medallions material that will be put into the drawers, so once that part is complete as well, i'll let you in for a peek.

Here is the fantastic transformation from dull and yucky, to lush and elegant!


took some sweat;
I sanded

I primed x 2
I re-sanded any nicks in the paint
I painted on two thick coats of a pure white semi gloss (body)
I painted on three thick coats of a cottage black semi gloss (top surface)
I poly'd the entire body, including the damask wooden knob x 2

And ended up with a lovely and elegant piece of furniture...


I ordered a pretty black and white wooden damask knob

And re-applied the original hardware, though much more noticeable this time around

The comparison:

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