Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lily's vocabulary

My darling little 14 month old is quite the talker we are realizing. She is quick to catch on to new words and takes great pleasure in repeating them like a little parrot! I love it. It's so amazing to see how well she is learning! In her vocabulary are the newest words which are:

Thank you
All Done
Pee Pee (LOL!!)

I've counted, and she's speaking 22 words. 22 words? That's a ton of words!!
She also has a sweet appreciation for her little housemates; they all love to share their juice with each other, and once one is out- they are prompt to make sure the other doesn't go thirsty. Many times, they even trade their sippies, especially when you ask them numerous times not to. They are eager to give kisses and hugs, and Lily has been extremely pliable when it comes to new tricks- so cute! She now finds GREAT joy in hiding underneath blankets and chairs, climbing and scaling de-cushioned couches, and giving more hugs than ever!

Oh, and she's walking!! Our tiny little busy-bee is a walker! She's still in the "take several steps then tumble" stage, but is trying many times in a day to walk with bright eyes and toothy smiles. It's actually quite the sight since she's got short legs and a huge-mungus chubby belly. We love her and seeing her grow in deep affection for her little friends Melly-mouse and gigi-lana.

I'm so happy that she is so happy!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy that everything is going so well :) It's amazing that Lily says 22 words and is walking! I can't imagine how exciting that is!


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