Thursday, January 27, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday my Love!!

Can it be so?
Can you already be 1 year old, little lily of my heart? Today is your birthday, my sweet. Your daddy and I are overjoyed at the amazing year we've been given with you and are thrilled to see you growing, and changing, developing and becoming more aware. It has been a year of many laughs and smiles, as well as hardship and sleepless nights, but each moment has been worth all of the sacrificial love we've been blessed to give you. We enjoy everything about you, Lilyan. We enjoy how much you love your family and your big boy cousins and how much you've blessed this home. We enjoy that you are growing into your own wonderful personality and that we have the blessed opportunity to instruct you and teach you. We praise God for crafting and creating you just the way you are!

Our love for you grows and grows...
Our Precious Lily Rose...
The princess is ready for her gifts!

Getting ready with tutu and all...
Happy birthday from Dada and Mama

Your auntie cooked you yummy apple pancakes!

I love everything about this chubby picture!

Birthday cupcake smash!

Making silly baby noises while you eat!

Squishy cupcake hands!

May the Lord bless us with another year to spend with you, sweetest one.

Happy 1st Birthday my love!!

1 comment:

  1. What a doll! I hope to meet her and kiss those cute rolls some day soon! Happy Birthday!


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