Friday, February 19, 2010

In the world of mommy-hood and baby time...

There's many ups and downs, i'm realizing. When it's 2:45 in the morning, my heart isn't as glad as say...when it's 2:45 in the afternoon. Lilyan and I are learning together, how exciting family can be.

By the way, Lilyan was born!
Haha....forgot to even mention that. I actually totally forgot for a minute i had a blog too. It's been awhile. I've been tired. It's been busy.

Lilyan Rose Johnson
4lbs 14 oz at birth
18 inches long
born 6:39pm January 27, 2010

**she was tiny. Tinsy weensy tiny. It turns out my due date was off and we ended up with a preemie baby and not a full term girl. They wanted to induce me at 38 weeks gestation due to low amniotic fluid, so they did...Buuuuut, when Lily came out, the doctors first words were, "look at this peanut!." Tiny girl. Tiny body. Very pretty. She was probably around 36 weeks, and some parts of her body were a bit under developed, but she's doing GREAT now. She is in her 3rd week of life and has already gained weight; bringing her to 5lbs 13oz. Still very small, but thriving well.

We went into her pediatrician today because of acid reflux being a possibility...which it probably is. Smaller babies who are les mature tend to be more vulnerable to these kinds of troubles. She gets gassy and irritable easily, so she was prescribed Zantac for her bity heart burn, and we're hoping it helps during the mid night sessions :)

It's been a HUGE learning experience, being mommy and daddy. It's so different. Everything has changed. It's a new season, and we're trying hard to have joy in this adjustment in our lives as it is taxing on your used to be 8-9 hours restful nights which turn into 2 hours at a time every few hours, if you're blessed :)

Here are some pictures of the MUNCHIE we love.

One day old

One week old

(she looks like daddy)

2 weeks old

3 weeks old

She's growing great and just SO lovely!!

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