Monday, August 3, 2009

11 weeks along

Today is the mark of 11 weeks along with baby-love-Johnson. We go in tomorrow for another ultra sound and small check up to see how things are going. I hope all is well, as it seems that it is. I have no discomfort which indicates a healthy pregnancy thus far.

We continue to think of names, which is exciting. We have a name for a boy, it's very "english," but will not yet be disclosed ;-), and we're working on a name for a girl. We have her first name, but middle, not so sure. Do we want 2 middles names like daddy, or do we want only one, like mommy? Who knows!

I'm just so grateful to the Lord for giving me the prescious gift of my sweet husband. I know that the baby is going to be important as well, but I must strive to keep my hubby as my number one priority, as he and I are one flesh. Keeping a marriage strong through the child bearing years is so vital, because the truth is- in 18 years, your little ones will be all grown up and probably working their way out of the house...and then when they are gone, it's back to you and your man! I love it.

Such sweet family times are ahead!
This picture is sweet, isn't it? He's offering me a tiny little pink flower bud he found whilst out and about in the cool newhall air on a walk. :)

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