Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Flowers in our Garden

We have a second daughter, friends. She will enter this world some time around june 3rd, and until then, we shall dream of what she looks like. Will she have a curls, will she have red hair or blonde? Will she look more like Mom or a bit more like Dad? Is she going to be very familiar to Lily, her beautiful and loving big sister?

We've decided to add another flower to our ever growing garden.

Daisy is her name.
Daisy LeAnn Johnson.
Daisy and Lily, our flowers.

Daisy was Daddy's idea, and when he first said it, i knew it was right. I said, "Can we just leave it at that? it's perfect." You know when something just feels right? It felt right. It was right. It is right. And i love it.

LeAnn comes from a combination of two names. Mike's sister and mothers middle name is Lee, which means "Meadow." And my grandmothers first name is Ann, which is Hebrew for "God has favored me."

I like to think the meaning of Daisy's name is, "Like a daisy in her meadow, God has favored me."
And it is so true.
He has favored this child. He gave us this child, not the last, which is serving him gloriously in heaven right now. I do long to meet our second child, and will once God opens his doors to meet me face to face. But to think that God chose this child, our Daisy, means that she's something truly special. So i think her name fits her well.

Welcome to our family, Daisy LeAnn Johnson.

This was 2 weeks ago at 18 weeks, we are currently 20 weeks 3 days.