Sunday, May 8, 2011

2nd Mother's Day

Today is my 2nd mothers day, and it brings me so much joy. I have been blessed beyond words to have been given the sweet gift of motherhood. God is kind, and I am unworthy. Today me and my husband are in charge of the household until the lovely stewards return, but it has been fun to care for the children and test out our abilities with multiple children. I love it. I love big families and i hope and pray that the Lord sees fit for ours to grow from 3 to.....?

We had bible time this morning, and read the girls psalm 8 (for the day) while we sat in a small circle. the oldest t is 2 years old, with the other 2 being only one month apart at 15 and 16 months, so you can imagine how much fun! They sat quietly (for the most part, lol) and listened as we read about the majesty of the Lord and what He's given us dominion over- all the things of this earth. I realize how utterly important it is to start little ones with the bible and prayer early since they need to learn the skill of sitting quietly, and if not taught, then not learned.

The babies are sleeping now while the oldest watches Cinderella, my favorite childhood movie....i've memorized the entire first scene; Cinderella awakes with the birds and mice and sings... "A dream is a wish your heart makes, when you're fast asleep..." I love that line. And speaking of so- I guess my heart wished for something last night while i was fast asleep... I dreamt that i was pregnant with twins, and in the dream, I was far enough along that i could feel them moving and they both kicked me in the ribs. It was so real. I love that our minds have the ability to allow our bodies to "feel." It's amazing the way God has made us, so detailed. In the morning i asked if Mike had twins anywhere in his family, and he said that he's heard that his dad (he's never met him) has twins. It would be SO interesting if one day we get pregnant with twins, and I wouldn't mind. I dream of being pregnant again. I would love for our family to grow. I do hope though, that i don't turn this into an idol- wanting more babies. I should be content with my loveliest Lily flower and with where the Lord has placed us at this season in life, and when the Lord wills, if He wills, we will have more. I hope it's soon. :-)

Today is a sweet day.