Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Spring Clean

The winds of change have come and spring is in the air!
So it's time to spring clean, which means that i'm going to be getting rid of a lot of stuff, and that is always so refreshing! Going through clothes, going through things. I realize that if i haven't worn it or used it within a certain time-frame, that I don't need it, either. It's far too easy to hold on to things, but i'm hoping to change that area of my life and live a little more simple.

What I really need, is a nice organization system with an inspiring color palate; baskets, buckets, bins and shelves. Most of the stuff we have now is baby stuff... Lilyan probably has more stuff than we do together. I love it though, because she loves it and has a lot of fun with her many toys.

Speaking of Lily-love, she just belly dived onto her pink collapsible drawer in hopes of getting to the other side. I guess she reasoned, in her little mind, that that was easier than say, crawling around it ;-P