Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lily 11 months

I can't believe how big She's getting.....our little girl is moving into toddlerhood and won't be a baby too much longer. I'm ready starting to plan her 1st birthdy party! Amazing! Such a sweet blessing......indescribable.
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Lily 11 months

Cutie pie with her ducky and groove table.
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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

my new hat

Is really awesome. Its a funky oversized womens beanie that is very coffee-shop the fact that I feel I should be sipping hot drink with friends somewhere in hollywood, lol. But amywhos. Yay for my awesome $7 beanie from the asias. :)

Kelsey, I could really see you wearing one.
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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Getting so big...

Lilyan sure doesn't look like my tiny little munchie anymore....she's getting so big!
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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Things are awaiting...

Things, Oh things that are awaiting... I too await for you... You, Oh things, I dream of you, You, Oh things, I sing of you, and things that await, I hope you can say that you await too? Yes. It is true, my friends. Things are truly awaiting our family and all of them are rather significant and weighty. I wanted to share one specific one with you, in hopes that you would bring us before the Lord. With the support of my sweet leader, my most excellent husband, I go towards a particular style of service. I go towards sharing my art and creativity with others in a unique, yet risky way. I go in hopes of bringing ultimate glory to God through the giving of my time and giving a portion of my soul with each piece I design. I really hope you don't think I'm selling my soul, just to clarify! what I mean is, that when art is created and passion and love are tangled within, people receive a special part of you. A sweet friend actually shared her outlook with me and that is how she put it. And how so! I go towards Sole Proprietorship. I go towards paperwork upon paperwork. I go towards sweat and research and I go with PRAYER! I go.... towards.... owning my own business. YES!!!!!!!!!!! You did just read me right. Needs to be trademarked, but will hopefully be sometime in the beginning of the new year that is approaching: "Diaper Cakes by Luana Johnson" (also needs to be trademarked) with my tagline as "For Nurturing Baby's Beginnings" It dawned on me awhile ago, I think, as most revelation/Epiphanys do....that this is something that I could do with ease (once established) and from home. Yes, my husband and daughter do come first. And yes, so does my home. You're absolutely right. But if I can use this business to the glory of GOD by helping to bring a little extra income into our home to help my hard working love, then yes yes yes I will design! Believe me, this is not going to be all roses. There's hardship in business, time that goes into it that you don't get back, papers upon papers, filing and registering, taxes and taxing, risk....but there's also a very sweet and almost unexplainable feeling of joy that comes along with the possibility that, if God (who directs our paths) "allows" fruition to bloom, then it is He who is glorified in it. There's also the very real fact that this could do horribly and will completely dissolve, and my friends, that is okay too. I'll open up soley online. I'll sell through ETSY and probably an online store. I'll produce with disposables as well as with cloth, for an intimate and individual selection and I'll work hard to deliver exceptional products that intend to bring beauty and ease to the mother to be, and I'll be able to sing praises to Christ through whom all blessings flow. With Him in mind, I bid thee a g'night!
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