Tuesday, August 10, 2010

6.5 Months

Has gone by since our daughters mighty entrance into the world.

She's got QUITE the personality these days; telling exactly what she wants, when she wants it. She's even taken on the "side twist with arms extended" maneuver toward the person she'd rather be with, if of course, she's with someone she's gotten tired of (or that other person may just be more interesting to her in that moment, or quite possibly have something worth shoving into her gummy little mouth). She keeps me busy, and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it.

I can say boldly that motherhood was exactly what I was intended for (among other godly things) when the Lord decided to create me. The joy of parenting (and learning as I go) is so sweetly refreshing.

I get to:
Learn daily.
Pray Earnestly.
Strive harder.
Laugh louder.
Love deeper....
than ever before.

I get to TRUST in Gods will with the utmost dependence, because I'm certain that I cannot do this on my own. I get to LEAN wholly upon Christ, the solid rock on which I stand, because God was gracious enough to send His only son, that He might taste death in my place.

God is good.

I'm becoming more refined, I can F-E-E-L it. I can S-E-E it.

And the truth is....I want more babies. :)