Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Certainty has been awhile, now hasn't it?

You know...
Things are different, and that's okay. Some days I forget about the fact that i have a blog to write about all of life in, and share with friends. And then, my husband gets a nice call from a good friend back in CA, who kindly asks if we've updated our blog (my job)..and then i say, "Oh dear. You're absolutely right. My blog, which is by default, OUR blog (husband, baby, me...) and then promptly return to it's white canvas to fill with story.

So then, let me story-ize you, k?

Today is a lovely day in Virginia. The air is warm, but not too. The baby is sound asleep for her last nap of the day before we ready her for the bedtime with bath time routine. My baby...MY BABY!!! is the sweetest gift from Jesus my Lord ever and ever. She will be 5 months on the 27th of this month (june)....and the time is truly melting away. Where does it go? Oh, Where does it go? She's still so itty-bitty though, and yes yes yes, i am so thankful for her ever so sweet tiny-ness. It's beautiful to see your daughter growing well and we are proud parents. We have the cutest little munchie pie ever(besides all of our friends babies, who are basically like our babies, just because....Because when you're bonded in a sweet friendship in Christ, regardless of the distance apart...their babies, are still our babies.) BUT...let me bribe you with a few photos of the cutesy patootsey.

First Rice cereal, which has become her most favorite.

testing the waters in humid D.C. and enjoying herself.

just being cute, because well...she can!

Loving her grandpa (first visit)..this melts my heart indefinitely

discovering her toys, with enthusiasm

need i say anything more?

a lovely summer sun dress and a wonderfully peachy fuzzy head

Happy being mama

Theres no number i can ever put on how many times i kiss these...

enjoying the peace and quiet time of a hot and humid day, with her favorite soother...

loving my dad

and OH how she loves her daddy...

and of course...being chubby is an indescribable kiss those little rolls!

this is all i've got for now folks.

We love you all!

The Johnson's'