Sunday, January 24, 2010


Oh my goodness, guys!
It's almost baby time!!

Only 16 days until my due date!
There's a possibility we may opt for induction at 39 weeks while my mom is here. I have mixed feelings about it. I've gotten a lot of weary comments from others who are not favorable, but i don't want those comments to affect the way i feel about anything in my pregnancy. Healthy baby's are delivered all the time by induction. Sure it's not when "she" initiates her descent, but the hospital only allows you to go past your due date by 1 week- leaving you at 41 weeks, anyways. Then you get induced. I've gotta face it, i'm going to have a relatively small baby, but she'll be very healthy. She is already; her heart beat is strong and shes growing and i feel just so ready! Not to mention i have some nice progress; 1 cm dilated, 50% effaced and have already seen some show.

Here's my reasoning for the 1 week early induction:
My mom will be here 1 week before my due date (feb 2) and one week after my due date which is feb 9th. If baby doesn't come in that time, it will be a very sad time as my mom doesn't get to see the precious gift of her first grand daughter. So...we're praying about it. I talked with Mike about it and we think (if all is well and baby is NOT affected negatively by the process) that we want to induce while my mom is here, toward the beginning (feb 4th) so that baby and Grammi get to meet.

Is that selfish?
Should i feel guilty? I know that in feeling guilt, that would be in part my conscience, but i shouldn't let my conscience be persuaded by others thoughts, but by the spirit of God, Himself. My sister in law is all for it though, and very supportive, which is so helpful because shes a mom herself, a nurse, and just a big part of my pregnancy. The induction would take place 5 days before her due date, so that's not that bad.

I feel mostly good about it, but part of me is having trouble i think because i'm a people pleaser, and i want to make others happy too.

Most of all- We want whats best for the baby.
Please pray with me friends.

Either way- it'll be no more than 23 days until i get to see my daughter, kiss her face, and smell her sweet baby aroma. I recently bought a truck load of diapers from The mega load, ya'll! I'm set up for a little while, most definitely....

and all things are coming together. My sweet hubby is downstairs now painting the rooms and the carpet people from Lowes come tomorrow to install the carpet in Lilyan's room!!

Also, online i bought a cherry blossom tree wall decal item for Lily's room. it's beige, and comes in 104 pieces which means that i can arrange them in the shape i want. It will be amazing! Her room is three walls "Art Deco Pink" which is a very soft, girly pink, with one very rich chocolaty accent wall. The tree will go on her dark wall, with all of her white furniture against the pink walls. :) Our theme is pink and brown. <3<3<3

So exciting!