Friday, October 30, 2009

Changes have occured

It's been awhile since we've written. In our last post, we shared the news about moving across country to VA, where we knew that things would change. So where are we now? We're here. We have made the massive treck of the 26-hundred-something miles across 7 different states to find ourselves leaning upon God's grace as we enter our new life. We arrived safely last thursday, Oct. 22, 2009, at 8pm. So with a little more than a week under our belts, i know that we're feeling the change.

What changes?
Well, first of all, there were no possibilities open to Mike for any such jobs in CA, so we were forced to re-think our plan. Now with only 8 days on our plate here in autumn stricken Virginia, Mike already has a new job as a server in a restaurant. Talk about God's will for our lives. There are other changes too, like going from a quiet home of two, with a baby on the way, to an already established home with two more adults, and two young boys, to which there are now 6 of us and a baby on the way. It's been a little tough adjusting to the noise levels of the screaming children, but slowly, and with a lot of love, i am coming to see that children are just different, and it's not about "me!" It's nice having family, though.

We know that in the long run, this pursuit of "new starts" and fresh palattes only leads us to further sanctification in Jesus Christ, and a well formed family of three; Mike, me and our daughter Lilyan.

Oh By the way!! We're having a girl! It's been so long since we've written that i forgot to mention that the Lord has blessed my womb with a sweet little girl who is now somewhere around a pound and a half and is growing steadily! We've named her Lilyan Rose Johnson, and her due date is February 9, 2010. Going through the whole process of pregnancy in the last few months has been amazing as well, as me and the little one i'm carrying are now well acquainted with eachother. When I probe my tummy and she kicks back, i know we're on a bonding mission. It's the sweetest thing, feeling the life inside of me! I'm now just under 26 weeks (will be on Monday) and am awaiting the site of our daughter with much anticipation and joy!

Through all of this though, we miss our friends, and the church family we'd come to know so well...and are just hoping that those tight bonds never loose. Miss you friends!

Love you all with hearts overflowing!
This little family