Thursday, July 30, 2009

When 2 become 3...

Mike and I have been married now for a little over a year, and oh how the time goes! I was talking with a woman yesterday who reassured me that we're still technically "newlyweds" until we've been married for 3 years, and even by then, we're still in the "new stages" of marriage, and not as seasoned as say, a couple who have been married for 20-something years or more. What a nice thought :)

Time's are a'changin' though.

We found out in the end-ish of May that we are pregnant with our first child! Wow! Unfortunately (but not totally unfortunate) we found out when I was 2 weeks along, so we've got awhile to go before out newest addition to the Johnson family arrives. Our due date for baby is February 21, 2010; that most likely means anywhere from Feb 1-March 1, 2010! There's a good chance our kid will either be an end of winter baby, or a spring babe like both Mike and I. He's March, and I'm April. Either way...honestly...we just want our sweet little gift to be healthy and whole, and all the rest will fall into place as God decides when the best time for the little one to enter the world is. I have a feeling we'll be having a girl, but who really knows? I can't say for sure, and yes...we are going to be finding out the baby's gender. It's an exciting thought though, as well, not to know...and to go for the "neutrals," but we want to plan ahead. I want to know whether or not to buy that cute little lady-bug set, or the jungle baby set. I want to know if we should buy little booties for our daughter, or for our son. I want to know if Grammy should knit her a little pink blanket, or knit him a blue blanket for comforts sake.

The world of babies has opened my eyes to so many things. I am not sure I'm "all that prepared," yet i know that Christ will enable us to be the best mom and dad we can be, if we keep our foundation resting firmly on the rock of Jesus Christ, making Him our family focus.

Lord, may our home display Christ's work on the cross and His grace alone.

When 2 become 3...

Soli Deo Gloria, y'all!